A Journey through India and Nepal

My passion as a landscape architect is firmly rooted (ha! pun intended) in shaping outdoor spaces that solve outdoor problems, work with nature, fulfill my client’s wishlist, and bring my clients joy. After more than two decades in this field, I’ve found that inspiration for each design comes from near and far.

At the end of 2023, I traveled to Nepal and India with my parents, hoping to spend quality time with my mom and dad, and maybe get inspired along the way. Little did I know, this trip would recharge my spirit and deepen my connection to the work I do at home.

On this trip, I was struck by the natural world. Not only seeing it myself, but also experiencing it with my dad. We were able to talk about what we were seeing together. In those moments, this connection to each other and our love of working outside was priceless. 

The balance of elements within these natural landscapes was breathtaking, a balance that I strive to capture in my own designs. It gave me so many new fresh ideas to bring home. My trip gave me new ways to see and make designs, layouts, and shapes in outdoor spaces. The world has so much inspiration to offer, if only we take an extra second to look around.

Reflecting on this trip now reminds me of the importance of allowing ourselves to be fully present. Without the constant ding of our cell phones or email or social media. In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to lose sight of the beauty that surrounds us every day. 

Spring is upon us, and I encourage you to take the time to explore, wander, and enjoy the wonders of this world — away from your phone and computer. Whether it's a hike in the mountains, a stroll through a botanical garden, or simply sitting quietly in a local park, I hope you make time to disconnect this season and recharge your soul.

Happy exploring!


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