How to Winterize Your Landscape

Feel that nip in the air? Cold weather is creeping in, and getting your landscape ready for the winter season is an important step to a healthy yard next year. To ensure you get the same luscious greenery and brightly-colored blooms, follow these tips below!

3 Easy Ways to Winterize Your Landscape

1. Start with Sprinklers

Frozen pipes? No, thanks! Before the weather gets too cold, your sprinkler system needs to be drained of any excess water. If not, your pipes could freeze, crack, or even leak once temperatures drop.

If you have a pond in or near your garden, consider shutting off that pipe, too, to prevent damage. Feel free to consult with a professional team like Artscapes to help determine the best strategy for your yard.

2. Prune Trees and Shrubs

Winterizing your trees and shrubs doesn’t require much work, but the pruning process can help minimize damage from broken or falling branches caused by the winter weather.

In the fall, it’s best to stop watering your lawn because this change tells trees and shrubs to prepare for the winter, which prevents vulnerable new growth from happening before cold weather hits.

3. Cover Your Vulnerable Plants

If you have new plants, like shrubs or perennials, give them a covering that offers protection from snow, frost, and cold temperatures ahead.

Bed sheets, tablecloths, and landscape fabric make great covers for your flower beds. However, remove the coverings once the frost passes next Spring so your plants don’t get too warm and can get enough light to thrive.

Winterizing your landscape may feel like a daunting task, but it’s the best way to ensure a healthy and vibrant yard for the spring. It’s not always easy work, so contact Artscapes if you need a team to take care of this for you.

We look forward to helping you keep your yard in great shape all year!


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