Is Bamboo in My Yard a Problem?

Bamboo is a popular plant for backyards for many reasons. It is visually appealing, grows quickly, and is an inexpensive way to provide privacy from your neighbors. But did you know that bamboo is highly invasive and spreads quickly? Before you go out and buy your bamboo, let’s explore the drawbacks of adding this plant to your yard.

Bamboo in Virginia

Interestingly, bamboo belongs to the grass family rather than the tree family. Bamboo originated in China but came to the United States in the late 1800s. So while not native to Virginia, the weather in Virginia makes a comfortable environment for it to grow, and spread. The issue is most associated with what is called “running bamboo,” a variety that spreads underground quickly. The other type of bamboo is called “clumping bamboo,” which creates much shorter roots and will not rapidly spread in your yard. (Here’s a quick video on how to tell the difference between the two.)

Bamboo Grows Tall and Fast

Bamboo is renowned for its impressive growth rate. That’s why the pandas love it so much — bamboo keeps up with their voracious appetites! Certain bamboo varieties can reach towering heights within just one growing season. Despite its popularity as a fast-growing privacy screen, bamboo can become an invasive plant, impacting the environment and your property. The ability to grow fast is what makes it aggressive and destructive. The roots of bamboo can cause damage to pipes, foundations, and other yard structures if left unchecked not to mention how easily it can take over your garden.

Is Bamboo Illegal in Virginia?

It is not illegal to grow bamboo in Virginia, but it is on the state’s invasive species list. Local laws are changing rapidly to help prevent people from suffering from neighbors’ bamboo plants. For example, Fairfax County passed an ordinance that took effect this year stating that an owner has to keep their bamboo in check, contain it within their yard, and kill it if it leaves their property line. Essentially, they need to avoid planting the “running bamboo” variety.

How to Manage Bamboo In My Yard

Again, do your due diligence if you choose to plant bamboo in your yard. Choose a “clumping” bamboo variety, and avoid planting the bamboo past your property line. Regular pruning and maintenance are crucial to manage bamboo’s growth effectively.

If you live in Virginia and are curious about your planting laws, I found this website to be helpful:

While bamboo may seem like an attractive option for your garden, it is worth exploring alternative options, such as native plants or non-invasive exotic plants, that can provide similar benefits without the associated challenges. This is not to scare you away from using bamboo (well, maybe a little if you didn’t know the risks!), but I do want to help you make an informed decision.


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