Winter Woes: Winterize Your Yard

One of the most common issues homeowners face during the colder months is drainage problems. Often people don't know they have a drainage issue until it's too late, resulting in costly repairs. Learn the signs of a drainage problem and how to winterize your yard in this article!

First up: preparation. 

Preparing for Winter 

Before winter arrives, it's crucial that your yard is ready to handle the winter weather. 

  • First and foremost, clean your gutters! Leaves and debris left in gutters can create ice dams and prevent proper drainage, causing water to seep into your home. 

  • Additionally, make sure your downspouts are directing water away from your home's foundation. 

  • Finally, carefully inspect your yard for any low spots and create proper drainage channels. Pay particular attention to areas around your home's foundation, as these are prone to flooding. 

Remember that this work should be done before the first bad weather day of the season.

Signs of a Drainage Problem

You can prevent many drainage issues by recognizing the signs. One of the most obvious signs of poor yard drainage is standing water. If your lawn has a pool of water that doesn't drain within 48 hours, it's time to investigate further. 

Another sign of drainage problems is uneven and patchy grass growth. This can happen when your lawn isn't draining properly; some areas are oversaturated while others are too dry. Keep an eye out for large amounts of mulch or debris that have washed into a concentrated area of your lawn after rainfall or snowmelt—this indicates the area isn't draining correctly.

Prevent Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are a serious and expensive problem. To prevent frozen pipes, insulate any exposed pipes in unheated areas like attics and garages with heat tape or foam insulation. In particularly cold weather, open the cabinets under your sinks to let warm air circulate around pipes. If you plan to travel during the winter, set your thermostat no lower than 55°F to ensure your pipes don't freeze while you are away.

Don’t Forget Your Yard

Lastly, let's talk about winterizing your yard. While it may seem like a daunting task, preparing your yard for the winter months can save you time and money in the long run. 

  • Be sure to rake up fallen leaves and debris to prevent ice dams and drainage problems. 

  • Drain and store any outdoor hoses and turn off outdoor water sources. 

  • Consider wrapping or covering any outdoor plumbing fixtures to prevent freezing. 

  • Trim any trees or branches that could fall and cause damage during winter storms.

While winter can bring unexpected headaches, taking a proactive approach to drainage issues and winterizing your yard can save you a lot of trouble down the road. By taking these precautions, you can enjoy the winter months worry-free. And if you need help repairing a drainage issue that has already occurred, give me a call—I have wonderful contractors who can help!

Stay safe, stay warm, and happy winterizing!


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